Reflexion of a journey
Reflexion of a journey back to the heart
Reflexion of a journey back to the self …
To live sharing in community is something really enriching. During 10 days we have been living on the tropical mountain on the north of Bali. Our group, Gaia ́s personal and the animals of the place. So you can enjoy a beautiful space full of magic, peace and abundance.
We have learnt from nature … to be quiet, to observe and don ́t judge, to feel ourselves and feel others, to being present. Because in our daily life there is no space to do it.
From the workers we have learnt to live serving others from the heart, smiling and how to work without any stress!! Step by step, moment to momento. To stop a say thank you 3 times a day …
We all need to be part of a community!! Now we are family, Kula, this family you can choose for you spiritual growth. We have been practicing yoga in a 3 hour session every day. We can enjoy a creative, healthy and nourishing cuisine and generous massage from Martin ́s hands.
Meditation sessions and relaxing treatments in Gaia spa.
Every afternoon we met up to do some coaching work together, designing lifestyle practices that are supporting our wellbeing. We learnt a bit more about the mind, becoming aware of our habits and beliefs.
All of us, individually have done a personal work and experienced our own process. As we were in community we had the support of the group every time it was needed and at the same time we have respected the space of being alone. Each one was responsable of their own feeling and we have grown the energy frequency … we all felt lots of love, lots of gratitude, lots of joy, lots of peace.
He have connected with our inner essence and from that place with others, with the group. Someone said: It looked like we were in other dimensión … the dimensión of love!
Love inspired and love expanded. We take a heart full of love to share with others, to share with who is waiting us at home … to keep expanding the love, the gratitude and bliss. To keep sharing our beauty with the world!
Keep making your dreams come true! Follow your bliss…
Join us in our online community. Yoga & mindfulness online.
With deep love,
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